Tuesday, February 26, 2013

FIN254 Project!

The main purpose of this project is to identify best holding period giving most return from a stock surrounding dividend announcement date, record date, and annual general meeting (AGM) date during last 5 years from 2008 to 2012. You must do this job using the format and guidelines prescribed here. Ten stocks have been assigned for each student and the assessment would be done for each student individually. Fortunately, I am providing you with most of the work done in form of the excel template. Without the template one may need more than 100 hours to complete the job. But now with the template it should be completed in less than one-fourth of that time.

All resource files necessary for completion of the project are made available in the course folder. You must follow the directions given in the project instruction file given along with other resource files. Please contact me if you find difficulty in filling out data or following the directions properly.

You need to make two types of submission – softcopy submission using email and hardcopy submission in the class. For softcopy submission of the stock pairs please use the following format and send the email attaching two stock excel files.
DSE trading codes of the two stocks;  your nsu id; your name; section
imran.edu@gmail.com, imran@northsouth.edu
your own email address

For the final report submission, please use the following format and sent the email with your word report file, all ten assigned stock excel files, and report attachment excel file.
Project_131; your nsu id; your name; section
imran.edu@gmail.com, imran@northsouth.edu
your own email address
For hardcopy submission of the stocks, just print the analysis worksheet of two stocks and submit in the class. For hardcopy submission of the final report, you must use the prescribed cover page on top of your report, and give the following as attachments to your report - analysis worksheets of all your stocks and at a glance worksheet.
Please follow the schedule below for all your submissions. Each week you need to submit excel files of two of your assigned stocks [there is no penalty for delayed submission, but if you can meet the deadlines, you will receive 1 extra point each time] and the final report on the last deadline [you must not miss this deadline; for delayed submission you would lose 1 point for each day].
Table: Project Submission Deadlines
1st two stocks
10 March, 2013
2nd two stocks
17 March, 2013
3rd two stocks
24 March, 2013
4th two stocks
31 March, 2013
5th two stocks
7 April, 2013
Report Submission
14 April, 2013
Make sure to include your own email address too as CC, so that you have a copy of the sent email. Before sending me the email please recheck your data and files minutely. I won’t be able to accommodate your request of accepting a modified version next time. Please wait at least one day for email acknowledgment from me as a confirmation of my receipt of your email. If you don’t receive my acknowledgment by one day then resend the email to me. Please keep checking your email frequently around that period because I may send you an email as an alert if I find significant problems in your files/work.
If you don’t do both softcopy and hardcopy and follow one method of submission (either hardcopy submission in my office or softcopy submission through email), you would receive 50% credit for the project.
Thank you and wish you best of luck for the project.

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