Due to unavoidable circumstances all undergraduate classes of Sunday, 1st February, 2009 will be held on Thursday, 5th February, 2009.
- A notice from the Registrar's Office
This blog has been created primarily for my students. It provides a common platform for us to discuss academic issues or share ideas or resources. This blog is also used to publish announcements, course updates etc. Hope my students would be benefited. - Shahzada M. Imran (Szm)
Email: imran.edu@gmail.com (shahzada.imran@northsouth.edu is no longer valid as I left the job!)
Facebook ID: SZM NSU
Due to unavoidable circumstances all undergraduate classes of Sunday, 1st February, 2009 will be held on Thursday, 5th February, 2009.
- A notice from the Registrar's Office
This is to welcome all my students to a new semester - Spring 2009. You may download course outlines, assignments, other resources using the links shown above under the heading "Spring 2009 Folders".
Please check my blog from time to time for announcements and updates. You may use any 'comments' link found at the end of each post on this page to leave a comment, ask me a question, or share any academic or non-academic issue. If it is unique/personal in nature, please provide your email address so that I can contact you or give you a feedback. Otherwise, you may leave an anonymous comment.
The Royal Thai Embassy is planning a trip to Thailand for university students under a project called 'Education Thailand'. All necessary expenses would be covered by the Embassy. For more details download the attached.
This could be a wonderful opportunity for free and convenient learning from your home to give a boost to your cgpa! Please visit Khan Academy to download video lessons on various topics including maths, economics, finance, statistics, science, and history. In addition to these subject-wise lessons, it also provides lessons on standardized test preparation such as GMAT, SAT etc. You may visit my post on this institution.