Monday, December 31, 2012

Spring 2013 Calendar!

The Registrar's Office has made Spring 2013 academic calendar available. Please have a look!

Spring 2013 Calendar!


Saturday, December 22, 2012

Final Exam Schedule!

Registrar's Office has announced final exam schedule. Following schedule is for my courses:

ACT201.20 => 26-DEC-2012 (WED) | NAC504 | 8:00 AM
BUS172.20 => 26-DEC-2012 (WED) | NAC207 | 10:00 AM
FIN254.17&18 => 29-DEC-2012 (SAT) | NAC509 | 8:00 AM

Please note the timing carefully. Exam time will not be extended if anyone comes late. Thanks.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Make-Up Classes!

According to the Registrar's Office, following is the make-up schedule of missed classes due to country-wide strike called by opposition political parties.

Classes missed on:
Will be made up on:
Sunday, 9 December 2012
Saturday, 15 December 2012
Tuesday, 11 December 2012
Saturday, 22 December 2012
Thursday, 13 December 2012
Sunday, 23 December 2012

Classes if missed on:
Will be made up on:
Tuesday, 18 December 2012
*Monday, 24 December 2012

*Since the last day of MW classes is on Wednesday, 19 December, therefore Monday, 24th Dec. 2012 will be used for the last day of ST Classes.

Official Notice!

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Make-Up Notice!

As per decision of the Registrar's Office, all undergraduate classes of 9 December 2012 (Sunday) are suspended. Makeup classes will be held on 15 December 2012 (Saturday).

Official Notice!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Make-Up Notice!

As per decision of the Registrar's Office, all undergraduate classes of 04 December 2012 (Tuesday) are suspended. Makeup classes will be held on 06 December 2012 (Thursday).

Official Notice!

Monday, November 26, 2012

FIN254 Project Update!

Those of you who are done with the Data Entry part may proceed to the next level - Data Analysis. Please follow the 3 steps mentioned below.

1.       Select rows 60 through 152 of the excel template;
2.       Click the right button of your mouse; and
3.       Select “Unhide” from the menu or just press the letter ‘u’ in your keyboard.
Following images may help you follow the steps if you are still not clear what to do.

After you unhide the hidden rows, you would see the required ratio and other measures given to you. You then use basic formulas to calculate those measures using the dataset you prepared for the data entry task.

For example, in cell B65 [Column B and row 65] you calculate Current Ratio [= Current Assets / Current Liabilities] for 2011 by inserting this formula: “=B13/B17”(without the quotation marks) where B13 cell refers to Current Assets and B17 indicates Current Liabilities. After successful entry of a formula (or all the formulas) in 2011, you may select and drag along up to whatever year your dataset supports. Walla! All the formulas will be calculated automatically.

You may follow similar strategy for the Yearly Changes/Growths (%) measures as well. For example, for the cell B105 (yearly changes in cash ratio), please type “=(B64-C64)/C64”(without the quotation marks) to calculate yearly changes for 2011.

After you are done calculating all the formulas, now is the time for you to prepare a report using Microsoft word. You need to submit a short report (2 to 3 pages long) on your findings. You may talk about liquidity, solvency, asset management, profitability, market situation of your companies highlighting strengths and weaknesses. You may also talk about important trend or improvement/decline in certain areas in recent years looking at the yearly changes.

Final Report Submission Guidelines

You need to submit both soft-copy (through email attachments of the word report file and all excel files to both of my email addresses) and hard-copy of the word report along with the “Data Entry and Analysis” worksheet as attachments. Along with the hard copy you must submit all the annual reports or financial statements used for your data entry. You will receive bonus points if you do this earlier. Points will be deducted if submitted late. Do remember to use appropriate subject in your email, for example, “Report by [your name and id number]”.

Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

Pearls of Shomman!

1.   Laughter around a FAMILY dining table is like sunshine in a home. Root of courtesy starts here.

2.  Eighty percent FRICTION of life is caused by the wrong tone of voice. Check your tongue.

3.  Your CHILDREN learn by watching you. Your grand-children learn from your children. And generation goes on.

4.  ‘LOVE’ between life-partners means –‘make each other’s life more comfortable’.

5.  If the master (employer) makes the HELPING HANDS' (domestic help) eyes wet – Blessings fly away from that house.

6.  OLD PARENTS are Gold. New members in a family are Diamond. If you get a Diamond, don’t ignore the Gold. Because to hold a Diamond, you always need a Base of Gold.


Recruitment of MTO by Avery Dennison Co.

The Department of Career & Professional Development Services (CPDS) cordially invites you to attend a presentation of Avery Dennison Corporation (a world leading manufacturer and distributor company) regarding recruitment of MTO.

Date: 27th November, 2012; Tuesday
Venue: NAC 415
Time:  11 AM – 1:30 PM

Mr. Partha Sarker, Commercial Director and  Mr. Mosabbir Chowdhury, Head of HR of Avery Dennison is going to be present at the seminar and will collect CVs from the MBA graduates for Management Trainee program.

Your participation will be highly appreciated.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Prospects of Green Banking in Bangladesh!

UGC HEQEP AIF funded "Green Banking Project" at North South University cordially invites you all to attend the first lecture of a series of lectures on the prospects of green banking in Bangladesh on Tuesday the 20th of November, 2012 at 3:00pm. The lecture will be delivered by Professor Mamun Rashid, Director of BRAC Business School and Former Country Officer of Citi N.A. He would be addressing the issue of how banks as institutions can go green. Please note the time, date and venue for the lecture.

Time: 3:00pm
Date: 20th of November 2012
Venue: OAT 801, North South University
Topic: How Banks Can Go Green
Speaker: Professor Mamun Rashid, Director BRAC Business School

Your support and presence in these lecture series will be much appreciated.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Road Show of CIMA!

The Department of Career & Professional Development Services (CPDS) cordially invites you to attend the Road Show of CIMA (Chartered Institute of Management Accountants).

Venue: OAT 801
Date: 19th November 2012
Day: Monday
Time: 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm

Speaker: Mr. Bradley Emerson, Regional Director, MENASA Region

Your participation will be highly appreciated.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Midterm-II Update and More!

Due to the changes made by the Registrar's Office to the Academic Calendar, I had to change the dates for the second midterms as well. Following are the changes:

Midterm-II will be on the 28th of NOV (Wednesday) instead of 21st NOV in NAC517. Syllabus will remain the same. Quiz 2 will be held on the 26th of NOV (Monday) instead of 19th NOV.

Midterm-II will be on the 30th of NOV (Friday) instead of 28th NOV in NAC311. Syllabus will remain the same. There will be no class on the 29th of NOV (Thursday).

There will be no change in the Midterm-II date; it will be held on the 20th of NOV (Tuesday) as previously scheduled but on a reduced syllabus - excluding chapter 8: Stock Valuation. Data Entry and Final Report submission deadlines have been postponed to the 25th of NOV (Sunday) and the 9th of DEC (Sunday) respectively.


Thursday, November 8, 2012

Revised Academic Calendar!

Please take a look at the revised academic calendar made available by the Registrar's Office in the following link.

Revised Calendar!


Be Inspired!

Following are two great speeches of inspiration, motivation, and learning. At this age, as a student, you need to go through such speeches from time to time to boost up or re-energize your hidden talent to prepare yourself for future.

President Obama’s acceptance speech!

Mitt Romney's concession speech!

I hope these speeches will bring positive consequences by making you accept more challenging tasks in future and aim higher with anticipation of greater achievements.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Blue Tie Challenge!

The Department of Career & Professional Development Services (CPDS) cordially invites you to attend the Nestlé Corporate Road show for Blue Tie Challenge.

Date : 7th November, 2012; Wednesday
Time : 11:10 am
Venue : NAC 517

Nestlé will collect CV from the final year students of BBA as well on the road show.

Your participation will be highly appreciated.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Midterm Reminder!

This is just to remind ACT201 and BUS172 students about the first midterm to be held on the 5th of November, 2012 (Monday) in NAC517 during regular class time.

Best of luck!

Education in Japan!

The department of Career & Professional Development Services (CPDS) cordially invites you to attend the presentation and education counseling by Japanese Universities, JASSO, JUAAB and Embassy of Japan.

Date: 4 November 2012, Sunday
Time: 10 am 11:30 am
Venue: OAT 801

Your participation will be highly appreciated.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Eid Greetings!

May the Blessing of ALLAH Fill your life with happiness and open all doors of success now and always.


Sunday, October 21, 2012

FIN254 Project Update!

An excel template (Template.xlsx) has been made available in the project folder. You will be using this template for each of the stocks you are assigned for individual project work. Following are some steps you would follow for each stock.

1. After downloading the file, open the file using Microsoft Excel and then rename (using save as function) it using your id, name, and DSE trading code of the stock. For example, if your id is "101-1010-030", name is "Salman Khan", and company is "Grameen Phone Limited", then you should rename the template as "1011010030_SalmanKhan_GP.xlsx".

2. There are three worksheets in this template. First worksheet is "DSE Company Profile". You would copy and paste the company profile from Dhaka Stock Exchange website ( [replace "?" by your stock's DSE trading code].

3. Second worksheet is "Data Entry and Analysis". You are required to fill up the yellow colored cells only. Start with the period 2011, and then proceed to earlier periods gradually. Most of the necessary data would be found in the periodic financial statements. Some data may be found in the annual reports, or in the company profile page of DSE. Two additional excel files have been provided for your assistance. One is "MONTHLY PRICE DATA BETWEEN 1999 TO 2012.xls" to record share price at the end of each period. Another is "DIV. ARCHIVE.xls" to help you record dividend related data.

4. Third worksheet is "Remarks". Here you discuss about problems you faced in data entry and ratio analysis for the stock.

If you have any issue regarding data entry, please don't hesitate to contact me. If data entry is done, you email me (to both of my email addresses with appropriate subject) softcopy of the excel file and submit printed copy of the "Data Entry and Analysis" worksheet by 20th November, 2012 to get your 3 points for the project.

There will be a penalty for late submission. Each day of delay will cost you 5% (i.e., 0.15) of data entry points. Of course, you may submit it earlier. There will be bonus points for early submission. You will receive 10% (i.e., 0.30) of data entry points for each day. However, total bonus points will not exceed 2 points. Incomplete submission would not qualify for bonus points.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Career Seminar by Airtel!

The Department of Career & Professional Development Services (CPDS) cordially invites you to attend a career seminar by Airtel Bangladesh Limited.

Date: 17 October 2012, Wednesday
Time: 10:30 am to 1:00 pm
Venue: OAT 801

Your participation will be highly appreciated.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Career in Accountancy!

The Department of Career & Professional Development Services (CPDS) of North South University (NSU) cordially invites you to join a seminar on “Career in Accountancy”. The seminar will be conducted by ACCA Bangladesh.

Date: 16 October 2012
Day: Tuesday
Time: 10 am –1:00 pm
Venue: OAT - 801

Your participation will be highly appreciated.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Presentation on Dhanmondi Lake!

Renowned environmentalist & architect Iqbal Habib, principal of Vitti Sthapati Brindo, will be making a presentation on the design and vision of the Dhanmondi Lake and Begunbari Khal - two very important urban development projects of recent times and lifelines of Dhaka city. His presentation will touch on issues like environment, physical planning and urban design.
Architect Habib and his firm Vitti have won several local and international design awards and their significant projects include the design of the Bangabandhu Mausoleum at Tungi Para, Bangabandhu Musueum and Dhanmondi Lake Development Project, Shahid Dr. Milon Memorial at the TSC Circle, Begunbari Khal Development and several others.
Architect Habib is going to present for the first time at NSU. You are cordially invited.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Meet the Leaders!

Junior Chamber International (JCI) Bangladesh is going to conduct a seminar session on “Meet the Leaders” at North South University (NSU). JCI World President will be attending as speaker. CPDS cordially invites you to attend this seminar.

Date: 10th October 2012; Wednesday
Time: 3:00 pm
Venue: OAT 801

Your participation will be highly appreciated.

FIN254 Project!

The purpose of this project is to analyze some DSE stocks using Ratio Analysis. Each student is assigned with 2 stocks to analyze (please refer to “Assigned Stocks” file to know about yours). You will have to analyze 10 years of data. Necessary files have been uploaded in the “Project” folder. There are three important deadlines to meet for the project as mentioned below.
Important Tasks
Data Collection
Data Entry
Ratio Analysis
Total Project Points

What is Data Collection?
Here data collection means to collect audited financial statements (Balance Sheet or Statement of Financial Position, Income Statement or Statement of Comprehensive Income, Statement of Cash Flows, and Statement of Changes in Equity) with relevant Notes/Disclosures found in the Annual Reports for the stocks you are assigned with.
Where can we find the Data?
Primary source for the Annual Reports of the companies is the Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) Library. If the relevant annual reports are available in digital format, you may order a data cd. Please keep your NSU Id with you to get student discount. If digital version is not available, you may photocopy relevant pages of the Annual Reports. You may also look for the annual reports in the footpaths/sidewalks in front of the DSE building which might be cheaper than photocopying. For recent years of data, you may visit company website and download them.
Once data is collected you show me the data to get your 3 marks for the project.
What is Data Entry?
Once you have the data, means, the annual reports, you are ready to input relevant data in an excel template that I would provide you. There would be designated cells where you make the data entry as instructed.
Show me the excel file once data entry is complete to get another 3 marks for the project.
What to do for Ratio Analysis?
I will give some ratio to calculate. You would be using the excel file where you made the data entry to calculate the ratio I would give you. Once you are done calculating the ratio, you submit your excel file along with a short report to me to get your last 4 marks for the project by the deadline.
You may visit the DSE link ( to visit your assigned stocks to get some idea about them. If you have any questions or issues, please don’t hesitate to contact me as soon as possible!

US Election and Democracy!

USAID is going to conduct a seminar session on “US Election and Democracy” at North South University. CPDS cordially invites you to attend this seminar.

Speaker: Mr. Paul  Sabatine (US embassy )
Date: 10th October, 2012; Wednesday
Time: 10:00 am to 12 pm
Venue: OAT 801

Your participation will be highly appreciated.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Club Fair/Carnival!

The annual CLUB CARNIVAL 2012 is scheduled to be held on Saturday, 29th of September, 2012 at NSU. It is a day long event from 11:00 AM to 10:00 PM organized by all the Student Clubs of North South University. There will be a lot of activities involving Music, Dance, Drama, Fashion Show, Laser Show, Fire Spinning,Gaming Contests, Songs, Concert (by WARFAZE and others) etc.

The Honorable Chairman, BOT, Mr. M. A. Hashem has kindly consented to be the Chief Guest in the inauguration ceremony. The Acting Vice Chancellor of NSU Dr. Md.Abdus Sattar will be the Special Guest.

All are cordially invited to attend this colorful event. Your participation will make it a Grand Success!!

Thank you.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Make-Up Notice!

Classes missed on Sunday, 23rd of September, 2012, will be made up on Thursday, 4th of October, 2012, according to ST class schedule. 


Monday, September 24, 2012

Welcome to Fall 2012!

I would like to welcome all my students to Fall 2012 semester. Please browse through different sections of my blog to make yourself familiar. As you already have noticed, there are three folder links above to access resources of respective courses. You may get hold of course outlines, assignments, power-point slides, and other resources using the course folder links shown under the heading "Fall 2012 Folders" above. You may also visit the old blog posts to get ideas about the types of posts, resources shared, announcements, grading statistics etc.

You may leave a comment, ask me a question, or share any academic or non-academic issues using the 'comments' link found toward the end of each post. If it is unique/personal in nature, please provide your email address so that I may give you a feedback to your email. Otherwise, you may leave an anonymous comment.

Today is the first class day of the semester. Hope you would have a wonderful time. Get hold of the text books as soon as possible and start reading! Best of luck for the semester. Thanks.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Grades Posted!

Grades for Summer 2012 have been posted into the system. You may check your grades using your user name and password that you used for teaching evaluation. You may also email me asking for your grade. Following is the summary of assessed grades for the semester.

Special Mention:
My wholehearted compliments for the following students who showed outstanding performance in my courses this semester.

Nadeem Ahmed Khan 1110232030 (FIN254)
Rageeb Kibria 1130015030 (FIN254)
Kasif Ahnaf Bin Kazemi 1220402030 (ACT201)

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Library Hours During Semester Break!

The NSU Library will maintain the following service hours during the semester break from Monday, 3 September to Saturday, 22 September 2012:

Sunday to Thursday: 9:00AM to 5:00PM
Friday and Saturday: Closed

Thank you.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Marksheets Uploaded!

Marksheets have been made available. Please visit the following link to download yours. Please inform all your friends about it.


If you find any mistake in recording your marks, please inform me as soon as possible through email. Corrections will be possible up to 30th of August. Grades will be assessed by 2nd of September, 2012 based on the corrected/updated marksheets.

'Abs' indicates number of absence. 'EC' indicates extra credit. Marks have been recorded in raw format. Adjustments for bonus points (for example, raising highest exam scores to 100 and adding the difference to everyone's score) will be done later before assessment of grades. I will be available in my office on the 30th of August (Thursday) from 9 am to 11 am to allow checking of exam scripts or making any corrections.


Monday, August 20, 2012

Eid Mubarak!

Wish all my students, their families, and all others Eid Mubarak! May this Eid bring long-lasting joy and happiness to your life.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

FIN254 Project Update!

Final Project submission required every student to submit both hardcopy and softcopy. But unfortunately some students submitted only the hardcopy. As you did the hard work already I don't understand why you should have any problem emailing me the softcopy. In absence of the softcopy you will get significantly lower credit for the project. So, those of you who are yet to submit the softcopy, please email the required files as soon as possible.


Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Library Closure Notice!

The NSU library will remain closed from Wednesday,15 August to Friday, 24 August 2012 on the occasion of National Mourning Day, Shab-e-Qudr and Eid-ul-Fitr. It will be open on Saturday, 25 August 2012 and operate from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Extra Office Hours!

I am planning to be in my office on Sunday (12th Aug) between 9 and 11 am. Please take advantage of my availability if you need any help before the final exam.


Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Final Exam!

Final exam schedule has been announced by the Registrar's Office. Following is for my courses:

ACT201 => 10-AUG-2012 | NAC517 | 8:00 AM
FIN254 => 13-AUG-2012 | NAC505 | 8:00 AM

Please note the timing carefully. Exam time will not be extended if anyone comes late. Thanks.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Library Hours in Ramadan!

This is to inform all users that the university library will maintain the following hours during the holy month of Ramadan:

Sunday to Thursday: 9:00AM to 7:00PM
Saturday: 10:00AM to 4:00PM
Friday: Closed.

Change in Office Hours!

I am changing my office hours for Ramadan. As the semester ends within Ramadan, this change will be effective till the last day of classes.

New Office Hours:

ST 12 pm to 2 pm &
MW 11 am to 1 pm

Sorry for any inconveniences this may have caused you. Of course, you may make an appointment to see me at some other time.

Changed Class Timings for Ramadan!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Recruitment by Prime Bank Ltd.

The Department of Career & Professional Development Services (CPDS) of North South University (NSU) cordially invites you to attend a presentation on “Campus Recruitment of Prime Bank Ltd”. The presentation is going to be held on Wednesday, 18th July 2012 at 11:00 am, venue- OAT 801.

Your participation will be highly appreciated.


  • The smartest students pass with 1st Class and get admissions to medical and engineering colleges.
  • The 2nd Class students get MBAs and LLB's to manage the First Class students.
  • The 3rd Class students enter politics and rule both 1st and 2nd Class students.
  • The Failures join the underworld and control politicians and businesses.
  • And best of all..Those who did not attend any school, become Swamis and everybody follows them.
 I don't think, we, Bangladeshis are much different from them!

Monday, July 16, 2012

FIN254 Project Update!

Those of you who are done with the Data Entry part may proceed to the next level - Data Analysis. Please follow the 3 steps mentioned below.

1.       Select rows 61 and 153 of the excel template;
2.       Click the right button of your mouse; and
3.       Select “Unhide” from the menu or just press the letter ‘u’ in your keyboard.
Following images may help you follow the steps if you are still not clear what to do.

After you unhide the hidden rows, you would see the required ratio and other measures given to you. You then use basic formulas to calculate those measures using the dataset you prepared for the data entry task.

For example, in cell B66 [Column B and row 66] you calculate Current Ratio [= Current Assets / Current Liabilities] for 2011 by inserting this formula: “=B14/B18”(without the quotation marks) where B14 cell refers to Current Assets and B18 indicates Current Liabilities. After successful entry of a formula (or all the formulas) in 2011, you may select and drag along up to whatever year your dataset supports. Walla! All the formulas will be calculated automatically.

You may follow similar strategy for the Yearly Changes/Growths (%) measures as well. For example, for the cell B106 (yearly changes in cash ratio), please type “=(B65-C65)/C65”(without the quotation marks) to calculate yearly changes for 2011.

After you are done calculating all the formulas, now is the time for you to prepare a report using Microsoft word. You need to submit a short report (2 to 5 pages long) on your findings. You may talk about liquidity, solvency, asset management, profitability, market situation of your companies highlighting strengths and weaknesses. You may also talk about important trend or improvement/decline in certain areas in recent years looking at the yearly changes.

Final Report Submission Guidelines

You need to submit both soft-copy (through email attachments of the word report file and all excel files to both of my email addresses) and hard-copy of the word report along with the “Data Entry and Analysis” worksheet as attachments. Along with the hard copy you must submit all the annual reports or financial statements used for your data entry. If you do this by 29th of July, 2012 you will get 6 points instead of regular 4 points. For each day of delay you would lose half a point (that is, 0.5). Use appropriate subject in your email, for example, “Report by [your name and id number]”.

Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Change in Office Hours!

From now on, my ST office hours will be from 9:30 am to 11:30 am instead of 10 am to 12 pm.

Sorry for any inconveniences caused.

Internship at ROBI

Robi (an axiata company) is looking for some students who are willing to work as interns for its corporate office. Students are highly encouraged to apply for the position. Interested candidates are requested to submit their CV (soft-copy) to by 11th July, 2012. Minimum cpga of 3.0 is required to apply for the position.


Monday, July 9, 2012

Additional Responsibility!

I have been offered the position of Assistant Proctor recently. I ask for your support and cooperation in this regard. If you see any violation of student code of conduct and any unethical activity happening around the campus, please let me know. If the issue is sensitive and you don't want to disclose your identity, you may provide anonymous comments.

You may download the Student Code of Conduct from here.


Monday, June 25, 2012

FIN254 Project Update!

An excel template (Template.xlsx) has been made available in the project folder. You will be using this template for each of the stocks you are assigned for individual project work. Following are some steps you would follow for each stock.

1. After downloading the file, open the file using Microsoft Excel and then rename (using save as function) it using your id, name, and dse trading code of the stock. For example, if your id is "101-1010-030", name is "Salman Khan", and company is "Grameen Phone Limited", then you should rename the template as "1011010030_SalmanKhan_GP.xlsx".

2. There are three worksheets in this template. First worksheet is "DSE Company Profile". You would copy and paste the company profile from Dhaka Stock Exchange website ( [replace "?" by your stock's DSE trading code].

3. Second worksheet is "Data Entry and Analysis". You are required to fill up the yellow colored cells only. Start with the period 2011, and then proceed to earlier periods gradually. Most of the necessary data would be found in the periodic financial statements. Some data may be found in the annual reports, or in the company profile page of DSE. Two additional excel files have been provided for your assistance. One is "MONTHLY PRICE DATA BETWEEN 1999 TO 2012.xls" to record share price at the end of each period. Another is "DIV. ARCHIVE.xls" to help you record dividend related data.

4. Third worksheet is "Remarks". Here you discuss about problems you faced in data entry and ratio analysis for the stock.

If you have any issue regarding data entry, please don't hesitate to contact me. If data entry is done, you email me (to both of my email addresses with appropriate subject) softcopy of the excel file and submit printed copy of the "Data Entry and Analysis" worksheet by 15th July, 2012 to get your 3 points for the project.

There will be penalty for late submission this time. Each day of delay will cost you 5% (i.e., 0.15) of data entry points. Of course, you may submit it earlier. There will be bonus points for early submission. You will receive 10% (i.e., 0.30) of data entry points for each day. However, total bonus points will not exceed 2 points. Incomplete submission would not qualify for bonus points.

So, those of you who are still collecting data, pull your socks up!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Presentation and Public Speaking!

NSU English Club has arranged a workshop on "Presentation and Public Speaking" to be held today at 3:30 pm in OAT801. Those of you who have weakness in this area may attend this workshop. The speakers are faculty members of English, Business, Environmental Science, and Electrical Engineering and Computer Science departments.


Monday, June 18, 2012

Use Caution When Visiting DSE!

Please be cautious when you visit DSE for data collection. As stocks are falling massively there are demonstrations going on in front of the DSE Stock Exchange building. Although it is still a non-violent demonstration, it may turn out to be violent once Police intervenes.

I would suggest you to go there early in the morning before or around 10 am and leave that place by 1 pm.


Sunday, June 17, 2012

Internship Recruitment by Unilever!

This is for your information that engagement session of Unilever Bangladesh Ltd. is going to be held at North South University organized by Career & Professional Development Services (CPDS). Time, date, and venue are given below:

Title:Internship Recruitment Event of Unilever Bangladesh
Venue:OAT 801
Date:19 June 2012
Time:3:00 PM 


Wednesday, June 13, 2012

On-Campus Recruitment by Standard Chartered!

This is for your information that on-campus recruitment test of Standard Chartered Bank will be held on 14th June, 2012 at 12:00 noon in room OAT801. They will be recruiting graduates and undergraduates from North South University.


IML Discourse I {Lecture Series}

The Institute of Modern Languages presents a discourse on the place of language in a nation's journey towards prosperity this Sunday.

Discourse title: 'Language and Development'

Professor Dr. A. Q. M. Badruddoza Chowdhury
President, People's Republic of Bangladesh  (2001-2002)

Date: Sunday, June 17
Time: 11:20am-12:50pm
Venue: NAC309

Audience: Students of NSU, DU, and BUET
Prof B Chowdhury is perhaps the most active and dynamic former head of state of Bangladesh.

An ardent political critic and activist, the former foreign minister-turned head of state established his party 'Bikalpa Dhara Bangladesh' of which he is the president. A practicing physician, Prof Chowdhury is also the founder chairman of a first-rate women's medical college in Bangladesh. He was sacked by the BNP regime in 2002 for his alleged indifference to the Party's ethics and principles. _________________________________________________________________

BATB Presentation!

The Department of Career & Professional Development Services (CPDS) of North South University (NSU) cordially invites you to join a presentation of British American Tobacco of Bangladesh (BATB). The agenda of the seminar is as follows:

1. Career opportunities at BATB.
2. Dialogue between the students, the Head of HR & the head of Finance.
3. Engagement of BATB Managers with estimated faculty members.
4. Question answers session with the students.

Date: 13th June, 2012; Wednesday
Time:10:30 am to 1:00 pm
Venue: OAT 801

Your participation will be highly appreciated. Thank You.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

FIN254 Project!

The purpose of this project is to analyze some stocks that are traded in Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) using Ratio Analysis. Each student is assigned with 2 or 3 stocks to analyze. The period of analysis would be from 1999 (or from the listing year if listed after 1999) to 2011. There are three important deadlines to meet for the project as mentioned below.                

Important Tasks & Deadlines
Data Collection
24th June, 2012
Data Entry
15th July, 2012
Ratio Analysis
29th July, 2012

Total Project Points

 A few relevant files with valuable information have been uploaded in the course folders. If you have any questions please see me in my office or email me.