War Crimes Strategy Forum (WCSF) is a coalition of activists and organisations committed to the cause of bringing to justice the perpetrators of war crimes during the Bangladesh Liberation War in 1971. United, the coalition stands against all forms of impunity.
Background of 1971 Liberation War:
After the independence of India in 1947, Pakistan was divided into two wings – East and West Pakistan. The people of East Pakistan - who were predominantly Bengali – increasingly felt economically and culturally oppressed by West Pakistan. In 1970, the political party Awami League representing the aspirations of those in East Pakistan, who sought greater autonomy, won the elections for the whole of Pakistan. However, West Pakistani leaders refused to establish the Parliament, and on the night of 25 March 1971 its army initiated a military crackdown named “Operation Searchlight” in Dhaka, killing thousands of people in the city including students in Dhaka University campus. This was the beginning of the war that resulted in the creation of Bangladesh out of what was East Pakistan. It is known as the Bangladesh Liberation War or War for the Independence of Bangladesh, which lasted for nine months until the surrender of Pakistani forces on 16 December 1971.
Crimes perpetrated during the war:
During the war, there were widespread killings of the civilians and other atrocities in which the invading West Pakistani army was aided by local collaborators including newly formed militia wings like Razakar, Al-Badar and Al-Shams Forces. The war resulted in systematic killings of nearly 3-million civillians, according to most estimates. In one of the most tragic human exodus of mankind's recent history, over 10-million people were displaced from their homes, who took shelter in neighbouring India as regufees. The number of women raped during this period exceeded over 200,000. Towards the end of the War, a prominent section of the intellectual community of East Pakistan were systematically abducted and murdered, allegedly by the surrendering army and its collaborators. In recent World-history, 1971 represents one of the fastest genocide, crimes against humanity and crimes against peace that were carried out in Bangladesh.
WCSF's appeal:
WCSF has been formed to promote the cause of justice and at the same time to facilitate fair trials of all the perpetrators of 1971 war irrespective of their present abode, political connections or status in the society. We welcome any moral, intellectual, financial or personal support from you. Together we can strengthen this movement by instilling aspirations for justice, independence and freedom in the hearts of our generations.