Sunday, July 31, 2011

Final Exam Notice!

The Registrar's Office has announced final exam dates for the semester. Following are the relevant ones for you.

ACT201 => 13-Aug-2011 (SAT) at 8:00 am in NAC514

FIN254 => 14-Aug-2011 (SUN) at 12:00 pm in NAC514


Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Revised Academic Calendar - Summer 2011!

The Registrar's Office has revised the academic calendar for Summer 2011. Please find the updated version in the following link.

Revised Academic Calendar - Summer 2011.


Tuesday, July 12, 2011

FIN254 Midterm-II!

There has been a revision of class schedule due to couple of reasons. First reason is the missed classes because of a series of country-wide hartals. Secondly, there is a change in govt. holiday for observance of Shab-E-Barat due to change in moon sighting.

We are going to hold the make-up class on 16th of July (Saturday) for the missed class on 10th of July. Moreover, 17th of July (Sunday) is now a regular ST day that was previously reserved for a holiday to observe Shab-E-Barat.

Because of this changed situation, second midterm of FIN254 would now be held on 17th of July (Sunday) instead of previously scheduled 19th of July. To compensate you for earlier scheduling chapter 8 has been excluded from the midterm syllabus. So, the syllabus includes chapter 5, 6, and 7 only.

Please notify all your classmates about this change. Thanks.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Make-ups for Missed Classes!

According to the information received from the BBA Department, missed (and to be missed) classes of 06 (Wed), 10 (Sun), and 11 (Mon) of July, 2011 will be made-up and held on 14 (Thu), 16 (Sat), and 23 (Sat) of July, 2011 respectively.

Other details would be discussed in the class. Thank you.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Why does Creativity Disappear?

By Laurie Tarkan | June 30, 2011

In the pre-mobile device days, when you waited for a train or a bus, or on your commute to work, you would probably do nothing but think or read. It could get pretty boring indeed.

Today, on the other hand, every time you have a second with nothing to do, you go online, you text, you make a call. Boredom be damned. But therein lies the problem.

“The thing about mobile devices,” says Genevieve Bell, Ph.D., the director of interaction and experience research, at Intel, “is the promise that you’ll never be bored again, you’ll never have to be anywhere without something to do.”

Bell, an anthropologist who has spent hundreds of hours observing families in their homes, believes that by avoiding boredom, you’re doing your brain (and your career) a disservice. ”Boredom is linked to creativity. You have your best thoughts in the shower, when driving, tidying up the house, and weeding the yard,” she says. Other researchers have stated that boredom is central to learning and creativity.

On the flip side, when you’re constantly consuming information via your devices, you stop processing the information and developing your own ideas. You have less time to think about what you’re consuming. To be effective in most jobs, you need to stop and reflect and that requires down time.

Your brain on boredom

Boredom is a period in which your brain is restless, but that turns out to be the perfect opportunity to let your mind wander or try out new ideas. Remember doodling and daydreaming (now that I mention it, mobile devices have likely put a dent in daydreaming too). These somewhat mindless activities can allow you to solve problems or at least constructively entertain yourself.

Though it may seem as though the cognitive part of your brain shuts down when you’re bored, MRI studies of people when they’re bored show that their brains are only 95% as active as the brains of the fully engaged.

But mobile devices and all other electronics tap into that restless feeling and provide your brain with stimulation–so there’s no need for you to entertain yourself. But that’s exactly what you have to resist, says Bell.

Here’s how to recoup a bit of boredom in your day-to-day.
Stop being obsessed with doing. "There’s a work ethic, the notion that working and being productive is how you get ahead, a sign of goodness,” says Bell. “Doing nothing is a rejection of the work ethic,” she says. Try it. Slice out some part of your day for doing nothing.

At work, carve out technology-free times. “If you spend your entire day triaging your inbox, you’re not really doing a lot of thinking work,” she says. Instead, set up your email to only come in twice a day or simply ignore it until designated email-checking times. You control your devices rather than letting them control you.

Create technology-free rooms at home. It's helpful to have a physical space meant for you only, and take advantage of the trend towards cell-phone free cars, journey etc. (just don’t succumb to face book, SMS or checking your emails).

Be bored with others. You don’t have to do it alone. Nothing wrong with hanging out with friends and doing nothing.

Spend a weekend without the internet or time commitments, meaning a day with your kids that doesn’t start with any physical activity and end with a trip to a show or friend's or relative's place. Even try to manage to entertain yourself without structure.

Take unplugged vacations, deliberately seeking out destinations where you cannot connect.

Go to mosque or temple or the church (or any spiritual house). Not saying those are boring places to be, but they do require you to sit and think, unless you’re sneaking a glance at your mobile device, god forbid.

Next time you have a moment of down time, resist the urge to check in with your devices and remember what it feels like to let your mind rest.

Let yourself be bored-has that been a source of creativity or rejuvenation.

Thank you.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Today's Classes!

According to the decision made by the Registrar's Office, classes scheduled today (Sunday, 3 July 2011) from 1:00 pm onward will be held as per schedule.

Official Notice
