1. After downloading the file, open the file using Microsoft Excel and then rename (using save as function) it using your id, name, and dse trading code of the stock. For example, if your id is "101-1010-030", name is "Salman Khan", and company is "Grameen Phone Limited", then you should rename the template as "1011010030_SalmanKhan_GP.xlsx".
2. There are three worksheets in this template. First worksheet is "DSE Company Profile". You would copy and paste the company profile from Dhaka Stock Exchange website (http://www.dse.com.bd/displayCompany.php?name=?) [replace "?" by your stock's DSE trading code].
3. Second worksheet is "Data Entry and Analysis". You are required to fill up the yellow colored cells only. Start with the period 2011, and then proceed to earlier periods gradually. Most of the necessary data would be found in the periodic financial statements. Some data may be found in the annual reports, or in the company profile page of DSE. Two additional excel files have been provided for your assistance. One is "MONTHLY PRICE DATA BETWEEN 1999 TO 2012.xls" to record share price at the end of each period. Another is "DIV. ARCHIVE.xls" to help you record dividend related data.
4. Third worksheet is "Remarks". Here you discuss about problems you faced in data entry and ratio analysis for the stock.
If you have any issue regarding data entry, please don't hesitate to contact me. If data entry is done, you email me (to both of my email addresses with appropriate subject) softcopy of the excel file and submit printed copy of the "Data Entry and Analysis" worksheet by 15th July, 2012 to get your 3 points for the project.
There will be penalty for late submission this time. Each day of delay will cost you 5% (i.e., 0.15) of data entry points. Of course, you may submit it earlier. There will be bonus points for early submission. You will receive 10% (i.e., 0.30) of data entry points for each day. However, total bonus points will not exceed 2 points. Incomplete submission would not qualify for bonus points.
So, those of you who are still collecting data, pull your socks up!