Monday, June 25, 2012

FIN254 Project Update!

An excel template (Template.xlsx) has been made available in the project folder. You will be using this template for each of the stocks you are assigned for individual project work. Following are some steps you would follow for each stock.

1. After downloading the file, open the file using Microsoft Excel and then rename (using save as function) it using your id, name, and dse trading code of the stock. For example, if your id is "101-1010-030", name is "Salman Khan", and company is "Grameen Phone Limited", then you should rename the template as "1011010030_SalmanKhan_GP.xlsx".

2. There are three worksheets in this template. First worksheet is "DSE Company Profile". You would copy and paste the company profile from Dhaka Stock Exchange website ( [replace "?" by your stock's DSE trading code].

3. Second worksheet is "Data Entry and Analysis". You are required to fill up the yellow colored cells only. Start with the period 2011, and then proceed to earlier periods gradually. Most of the necessary data would be found in the periodic financial statements. Some data may be found in the annual reports, or in the company profile page of DSE. Two additional excel files have been provided for your assistance. One is "MONTHLY PRICE DATA BETWEEN 1999 TO 2012.xls" to record share price at the end of each period. Another is "DIV. ARCHIVE.xls" to help you record dividend related data.

4. Third worksheet is "Remarks". Here you discuss about problems you faced in data entry and ratio analysis for the stock.

If you have any issue regarding data entry, please don't hesitate to contact me. If data entry is done, you email me (to both of my email addresses with appropriate subject) softcopy of the excel file and submit printed copy of the "Data Entry and Analysis" worksheet by 15th July, 2012 to get your 3 points for the project.

There will be penalty for late submission this time. Each day of delay will cost you 5% (i.e., 0.15) of data entry points. Of course, you may submit it earlier. There will be bonus points for early submission. You will receive 10% (i.e., 0.30) of data entry points for each day. However, total bonus points will not exceed 2 points. Incomplete submission would not qualify for bonus points.

So, those of you who are still collecting data, pull your socks up!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Presentation and Public Speaking!

NSU English Club has arranged a workshop on "Presentation and Public Speaking" to be held today at 3:30 pm in OAT801. Those of you who have weakness in this area may attend this workshop. The speakers are faculty members of English, Business, Environmental Science, and Electrical Engineering and Computer Science departments.


Monday, June 18, 2012

Use Caution When Visiting DSE!

Please be cautious when you visit DSE for data collection. As stocks are falling massively there are demonstrations going on in front of the DSE Stock Exchange building. Although it is still a non-violent demonstration, it may turn out to be violent once Police intervenes.

I would suggest you to go there early in the morning before or around 10 am and leave that place by 1 pm.


Sunday, June 17, 2012

Internship Recruitment by Unilever!

This is for your information that engagement session of Unilever Bangladesh Ltd. is going to be held at North South University organized by Career & Professional Development Services (CPDS). Time, date, and venue are given below:

Title:Internship Recruitment Event of Unilever Bangladesh
Venue:OAT 801
Date:19 June 2012
Time:3:00 PM 


Wednesday, June 13, 2012

On-Campus Recruitment by Standard Chartered!

This is for your information that on-campus recruitment test of Standard Chartered Bank will be held on 14th June, 2012 at 12:00 noon in room OAT801. They will be recruiting graduates and undergraduates from North South University.


IML Discourse I {Lecture Series}

The Institute of Modern Languages presents a discourse on the place of language in a nation's journey towards prosperity this Sunday.

Discourse title: 'Language and Development'

Professor Dr. A. Q. M. Badruddoza Chowdhury
President, People's Republic of Bangladesh  (2001-2002)

Date: Sunday, June 17
Time: 11:20am-12:50pm
Venue: NAC309

Audience: Students of NSU, DU, and BUET
Prof B Chowdhury is perhaps the most active and dynamic former head of state of Bangladesh.

An ardent political critic and activist, the former foreign minister-turned head of state established his party 'Bikalpa Dhara Bangladesh' of which he is the president. A practicing physician, Prof Chowdhury is also the founder chairman of a first-rate women's medical college in Bangladesh. He was sacked by the BNP regime in 2002 for his alleged indifference to the Party's ethics and principles. _________________________________________________________________

BATB Presentation!

The Department of Career & Professional Development Services (CPDS) of North South University (NSU) cordially invites you to join a presentation of British American Tobacco of Bangladesh (BATB). The agenda of the seminar is as follows:

1. Career opportunities at BATB.
2. Dialogue between the students, the Head of HR & the head of Finance.
3. Engagement of BATB Managers with estimated faculty members.
4. Question answers session with the students.

Date: 13th June, 2012; Wednesday
Time:10:30 am to 1:00 pm
Venue: OAT 801

Your participation will be highly appreciated. Thank You.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

FIN254 Project!

The purpose of this project is to analyze some stocks that are traded in Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) using Ratio Analysis. Each student is assigned with 2 or 3 stocks to analyze. The period of analysis would be from 1999 (or from the listing year if listed after 1999) to 2011. There are three important deadlines to meet for the project as mentioned below.                

Important Tasks & Deadlines
Data Collection
24th June, 2012
Data Entry
15th July, 2012
Ratio Analysis
29th July, 2012

Total Project Points

 A few relevant files with valuable information have been uploaded in the course folders. If you have any questions please see me in my office or email me.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Time Extended for Extra Credit!

A few students, who missed the first introductory class as they were re-advised later into my courses, requested me to allow them to earn 1% extra credit. That's why I am extending the deadline to 9th of June, 2012 (Saturday).

To be eligible for the extra credit of 1% you need to download and read the detailed version of the course outline till the end!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Temporary Change in Office Hours!

Due to some unavoidable circumstances, my office hours this week (from 3rd June Sunday to 6th June Wednesday) would be as follows:

ST: 8:30 am to 11:30 am
MW: 8:30 am to 9:30 am
  & 11:10 am to 11:30 am

I am sorry for any inconveniences caused.