Friday, December 27, 2013

Confusion About Tomorrow!

Some of you have expressed concerns about tomorrow's exam because of strikes announced by a few transport bodies. Just like you, I also don't have any definite answer to your queries.

My suggestion: You go out in the street tomorrow and if you see people going to their destinations, you also do the same and come to the campus. Otherwise if you see people not going anywhere you also do not go anywhere, so don't come.

My conclusion: If I see classes being cancelled by all other teachers just because students could not come to the campus, there will be no exam. But if I see classes/exams are held by other course teachers, I will also hold my exams.

I hope you understand my point. Thanks.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

FIN254 & ACT201: Midterm-II Exam Room!

Dear ACT201 and FIN254 students:

I could successfully book the exam hall NAC517 for the 28th of December to hold the midterm exams. Please go to the exam hall during your respective class times to take the exam.


ST Makeup on 28th December!

The Registrar's Office has just announced ST makeup schedule for 28th of December (Saturday). So, second midterm exam for FIN254 and ACT201 will be held on that day.


Conference in Malaysia!

I will be out of the country to attend a conference in Malaysia. As my flight is in the evening of 28th December (Saturday), classes/exams will be held on that day. I will inshallah return on the 3rd of January (Friday) early in the morning, so Friday classes will also be held. As such, there will be no class between 29th of December (Sunday) and 2nd of January (Thursday). Makeup classes will be arranged once I come back.


Wednesday, December 25, 2013

BUS172: Midterm-II Exam Room!

Dear all BUS172 students:

NAC311 has been booked as the venue for the second midterm. We will follow regular class schedule for the exam timing. So, go to the exam hall instead of your regular class room. Please inform your classmates about it.


Tuesday, December 24, 2013

BUS172: Midterm-II

The Registrar's Office has just announced 26th of December (Thursday) to be MW makeup class day. As such, the second midterm for BUS172 will be held on 26th December (Thursday) and we will have a regular class (MW) on Friday 27th of December.

In case there is a blockade or strike on 26th December (Thursday), midterm will be held on 27th December (Friday). And please don't forget... we have quiz 2 tomorrow in NAC415 at 12:30 pm. Best of luck for the quiz.


Friday, December 20, 2013

BUS172: Quiz 2!

This is to inform all my BUS172 students that the second quiz will be held on the 25th of December, 2013 (Wednesday) in NAC415 at 12:30 pm followed by a review class.

Please inform all your classmates about this. Don't miss this class as there is no makeup for a missed quiz. You should also understand that the next available MW class after the quiz will be used for the second midterm.

I am very sorry for any inconveniences caused by this schedule. I hope you will understand the necessity of this given the fact that we have missed a lot of classes already because of ongoing country-wide blockade. Thanks.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Class Timing for Friday Classes!

As I suspected in my earlier post, the Registrar's Office has announced following class timing schedule for the undergraduate classes.

Regular Time
Changed Time
08:00 AM - 09:30 AM
08:00 AM - 09:20 AM
09:40 AM - 11:10 AM
09:30 AM - 10:50 AM
11:20 AM - 12:50 PM
11:00 AM - 12:20 PM
Jumma Prayer Break (12:20 PM - 02:00 PM)
01:00 PM - 02:30 PM
02:00 PM - 03:20 PM
02:40 PM - 04:10 PM
03:30 PM - 04:50 PM
04:20 PM - 05:50 PM
05:00 PM - 06:20 PM

Please inform all your classmates accordingly.


Wednesday, December 18, 2013

ST Makeup on Friday!

My dear FIN254 and ACT201 students,

You may have noticed in the NSU website that we have ST makeup class on the 20th of December, 2013 (Friday). As announced earlier, we will have quiz 2 on that day and second midterm in the next available ST class day.

Please note that there might be changes in the timing of classes due to Friday prayer at noon. So, come early to be able to accommodate any unforeseen changes.

Thank you.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Extra Office Hour!

As announced earlier, next available classes will be used for quizzes and then exams. So, please be prepared and practice as much as you can. I am planning to be available in my office tomorrow morning from 8 am till 12 pm. In case, you need clarifications of difficult concepts, do come and see me.


Friday, December 6, 2013

FIN254: Assignments 4 & 5

Some of you have requested me to provide solutions to assignments 4 and 5. In response to your requests, I have uploaded the solutions to the assignment folder. Please have a look. If you have questions, email me.


Friday, November 29, 2013

Blockade Again!

Due to another announcement of country-wide blockade for 72 hours, quizzes and exams have been postponed. Classes would resume and quizzes & exams would be held as per earlier sequence once blockade is over. Makeups of missed classes would be announced later.

Please take this opportunity to review exam materials by practicing assignment problems and chapter-end problems. If you get stuck anywhere email me. If possible review future chapters as well.


Thursday, November 28, 2013

Official Makeup Notice!

The UNDERGRADUATE classes missed on Thursday, 28 November 2013 will be made up on Monday, 23 December 2013 as per ST class Schedule. 

BM Isa
Deputy Registrar 

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

No Class Tomorrow!

As the opposition political parties extended the country-wide blockade till 6 pm tomorrow, there will be no classes tomorrow. Makeup schedule will be announced later.

FIN254: Quiz 2 will be held on Sunday followed by a review class and Midterm 2 on Tuesday based on same syllabus: chapters 5, 6, and 7.

ACT201: Quiz 2 will be held on Sunday (chapters 5, 6, 9 up to whatever was covered). After the quiz, we will finish chapter 9. Midterm 2 will be held in the following class on chapters 5, 6, and 9.

BUS172: Quiz 2 will be held on Saturday (chapters 5, 6, and 7) followed by a review class. Midterm 2 will be held on Monday (on same syllabus). Usual class time and room.

We will try to follow above schedule for quizzes and midterms inshallah. In case of hartal/blockade they will be shifted to next available classes.


Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Official Makeup Notice and More!

Following is the official makeup class schedule announced by the Registrar’s Office. However, I am planning to hold MW makeup class on Saturday (30th November, 2013) this weekend. BUS172 students are requested to prepare for quiz 2 to be held in that class so that we can hold second midterm on Monday (2nd of December, 2013) as scheduled earlier. Please inform all your classmates about this.

Classes of
will be made up on
Tuesday, 26 November 2013
Sunday, 22 December [ST]
Wednesday, 27 November 2013
Saturday, 21 December 2013 [MW]


Latest Update!

It is sad that NSU administration is yet to make any decision about today's classes. It's approach is: let's wait and see!

However, it seems that transportation is not adequately available on the roads. There are reports of destruction in various places. So, I have decided not to hold classes today and tomorrow.

Will let you know about makeup schedule later on. Take this opportunity to prepare for you quizzes and exams. In addition FIN254 students can work on the project as well. Email me if you need any help.


Monday, November 25, 2013


A lot of you have emailed me to know about the status of our classes of tomorrow or next few days during the country-wide blockade. Honestly speaking, I don't know that for sure what is going to happen. Usually classes are held during blockades but not during hartals. But if there's a lot of destruction on the roads, then don't take the risk, so don't come.

I will make another post tomorrow early in the morning once I come to the campus.


Thursday, November 14, 2013

Official Makeup Notice!

Following is the official makeup schedule of the recently missed classes announced by the Registrar's Office.

Classes missed on
will be made up on
Sunday, 10 November 2013
Thursday, 28 November 2013 [ST]
Monday, 11 November 2013
Thursday, 05 December 2013 [MW]
Tuesday, 12 November 2013
Saturday, 07 December 2013 [ST]
Wednesday, 13 November 2013
Thursday, 12 December 2013 [MW]

Special Note for BUS172 students: The class on 23rd November (which I announced cancelled earlier) will be held as scheduled. I have shifted my event to 14th of December. There is no class on that day so far. In case, the Registrar's Office fixes a class on that day, I will announce a makeup of that class later on.