Tuesday, April 30, 2013

FIN254: Exam Update!

As opposition political parties withdrew their hartal to be held on the 2nd of May, FIN254 final exam will be held as planned earlier.

FIN254.14 & 16 => 2-MAY-2013 (THU) | NAC514 | 10:00 AM


Sunday, April 28, 2013

FIN254: Final Exam Schedule!

Some political parties called hartal on 2nd of May (Thursday). If hartal does take place on that day, FIN254 final exam will be held on 3rd of May (Friday) from 2 pm in room NAC311.


Monday, April 22, 2013

Final Exam Schedule!

The Registrar's Office has announced final exam schedule for the semester. Unfortunately, due to opposition party called strike, there has been a revision in the exam schedule. According to the revised exam schedule, following are for my courses:

BUS172.23 & 24 => 30-APR-2013 (TUE) | NAC311 | 2:00 PM
FIN254.14 & 16 => 2-MAY-2013 (THU) | NAC514 | 10:00 AM

FIN254 Project Update and More!

As the opposition political party called a 36-hour strike from tomorrow, submission deadlines have been rescheduled to 24th April (Wednesday midnight) for softcopy and 25th April (Thursday in class) for hardcopy.

In the event of the strike prolonging to Thursday, there will be a make-up class on Friday (26th of April) at 3 pm in our regular class room. Hardcopy of the project will be accepted in that make-up class. However, softcopy submission deadline will remain the same.


Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Make-up Schedule!

The makeup schedule for classes missed on the following dates will be made as per the schedule below:

Classes of
will be made up on
Monday, 8 April 2013
Monday, 22 April  [MW Classes]
Tuesday, 9 April 2013
Tuesday, 23 April  [ST Classes]
Wednesday, 10 April 2013
Wednesday, 24 April  [Last day of MW Classes]
Thursday, 11 April 2013
Thursday, 25 April [Last day of ST Classes]

Final Exam starts: Saturday, 27 April 
Final Exam ends: Thursday, 9 May
Last day of Grade Submission: Saturday, 11 May

By order of the Authority

17 April 2013

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Reaching Newer Heights!

North South University (NSU), representing Bangladesh has won the title of ‘Best Delegation’ in the New York Global Young Leaders Summit International Model United Nations (NY-GYLS Int’l MUN). At a time of distress and calamity for the country, this comes as a welcome news not only for the university but for the whole youth body of Bangladesh.

The summit ‘NY-GYLS Int’l MUN’ was the first and unique youth summit in US and it gathered students from all five continents and offered them a higher-level atrium of confrontation and debate between culturally-diverse leaders, with the UN building as backdrop. The summit took place from March 26 to March 29, 2013.

Over 600 students representing the most prestigious universities of the world from 64 countries met to discuss and gave their concrete contribution to the hottest issues discussed daily by the world leaders, drafted official UN documents and created an inter-sectorial arena of dialogue, negotiation and best practices sharing.

It was a commendable exploit by the Bangladeshi students especially from North South University who won the ‘Best Delegation Award’ from a pool of extraordinary candidates from all over the world. They had won honourable mentions in all committees (with the exception of the Security Council of which Bangladesh was not a part of). And in the end, they had won the big one – the most prestigious award. The delegation from NSU comprised of Zunayeed Noor Alam, Ahnaf Tahmid, Zayan Fida Noor, Shabab Golam Rahman, Sabbir Hossain, Towkir Islam Khan, Samaan Rishad, Fakhorus Salehin Nahian, Syed Imamuzzaman, Mamunur Rashid, Nudrat Fariah, Tasnuva Maliha, Seefat Rafique, Rezaul Karim and Saiful Imam. Apart from NSU, several other institutions from Bangladesh participated in the summit e.g. Jahangirnagar University (represented by Shaikh Siraj), University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh (represented by Tani Deepavali Nawaz) and others. Furthermore, University of Warwick from UK and several Ivy League schools from USA were in the summit as well.

“These kinds of youth conferences are extremely fruitful opportunities for the country’s youth to present their potential to the world. However, financing becomes the barrier in most of the cases. For instance, NSU was completely self-funded. No institution sponsored our endeavour and for some of us, it was very difficult to afford,” said Zunayeed Noor Alam – the Delegation Advisor of the NSU Delegation from Bangladesh to NY. He further asserted, “Getting visa was the biggest challenge. But we are grateful to the American Embassy Councillor Section for their support. Even with the hurdles and obstacles we faced, we think the reward and the prestige of the outcome outweigh all the negatives.” “I think Ministry of Foreign Affairs as well as respective Universities should have special funds for student attending MUNs abroad,” he added.

In a time of strife and unrest, it serves as somewhat of a poetic justice for Bangladeshi youths to have brought such glory for the country; more so for North South University, in light of recent events and also the fact that they brought home such a prestigious title from no other city but New York. The delegates are optimistic and look forward to a brighter Bangladesh and cast positive light on their parent institution. The delegation advisor of North South University, Zunayeed N Alam mentioned, “This was the largest student delegation to USA in the US-Bangladesh history.” Upon winning the title under the name of North South University, Zunayeed exclaimed, “We created history!” and it will indeed be recorded in the annals as a glorious feat by the Bangladeshi youth.

News by Adnan Firoze [Newspaper Link!]

Sunday, April 14, 2013

শুভ বাংলা নববর্ষ ১৪২০!!!

পুরাতন সব জড়াজীর্ণ মুছে যাক। নতুন বাতাসের মঙ্গল আলোয় উদ্ভাসিত হোক জীবন। আনন্দে কাটুক প্রতিদিন।

Thursday, April 11, 2013

FIN254 Project Update!

As we have missed all classes this week due to repeated strikes, the report submission date has been changed to 21st of April, 2013 (Sunday).


Saturday, April 6, 2013

FIN254 Midterm-II

The second midterm of FIN254 (sections 14 & 16) will be held tomorrow during class time in room NAC517 as announced earlier in the class.


Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Make-up Classes!

The Registrar's Office has issued following make-up class schedule.

Classes missed on
Corresponding make-up classes
Tuesday, 5 March, 2013
Thursday, 04 April [ST Classes]
Monday, 18 March, 2013
Saturday, 13 April [MW Classes]
Tuesday, 19 March, 2013
Thursday, 18 April [ST Classes]
Wednesday, 27 March, 2013
Wednesday, 17 April [MW Classes]
Thursday, 28 March
Sunday, 21 April [ST Classes]
Tuesday, 02 April, 2013
Saturday, 20 April [ ST Classes]
