Prof. Amin U. Sarkar joined as Vice Chancellor of North South University on June 11, 2013. His appointment was approved by the President and Chancellor of Bangladesh. Dr. Sarkar’s administrative appointments included the positions of Dean of the Alabama A&M University’s College of Business and Public Affairs for six years, Dean of the Black Hills State University’s College of Business and Technology for three years, Chairman of the Georgia College & State University’s Dept. of Economics, Finance and Marketing for three years, and Chairman of the State University of New York (SUNY) at Fredonia’s Dept. of Economics for four years. He was twice a Fulbrighter at Tashkent State Economic University in 1997 and 1999 where he assisted the University in curriculum modification of the undergraduate and graduate programs. He recruited international students and established exchange programs with overseas universities.
Dr. Sarkar received a master’s degree in Economics in 1983 and Ph.D. in Resource Economics in 1988 from University of California at Berkeley where he was a Lecturer of Economics for 1988-89 before he joined SUNY Fredonia as an Assistant Professor. Later on at SUNY Fredonia, he became Associate and Full Professor. At Berkeley, he received an outstanding teaching award that motivated him to begin his academic career at a student centered institution. His research is in the area of resource economics and economic development.
Dr. Sarkar published extensively in peer reviewed journals. He serves as an external reviewer of overseas PhD dissertations. He served on editorial boards for several academic journals including AIMS International Journal of Management, Journal of Economics, Indian Journal of Economics and Business, International Journal of Energy and Environment, International Journal of Development Management, and Forman Journal of Economic Studies. He also served as a reviewer for many renowned journals.