Today is the first class day
of Fall 2013. I would like to welcome all of you to this new semester. Please
feel free to browse through this blog. Please visit this blog from time to time
for important course updates and notification of general
academic/extra-curricular events.
As you already have noticed, there are
three folder links above to access resources of respective courses. You may get
hold of course outlines, assignments, power-point slides, and other resources
using the course folder links shown under the heading "Fall 2013 Course Folder
Links" above. You may also visit the old blog posts to get ideas about the types
of posts, resources shared, announcements, grading statistics etc.
take note of the following important deadlines/events.
3-Oct-13 (Thur) Last day of Registration without
Late fee
6-Oct-13 (Sun) Last day to withdraw with 100% refund
9-Oct-13 (Wed) Last day of Registration with Late fee
10-Oct-13 (Thu) Regular ST Classes, Last day to
withdraw with 50% refund
13-Oct-13 (Sun) NO CLASSES
14-Oct-13 (Mon) Holiday: Durga Puja
15-Oct-13 (Tue) Holiday: Eid Ul Azha
16-Oct-13 (Wed) Holiday: Eid Ul Azha
17-Oct-13 (Thu) Holiday: Eid Ul Azha
21-Oct-13 (Mon) Last day of Registration with
Late fee Tk.1000/-
24-Oct-13 (Thu) Regular MW Classes
7-Nov-13 (Thu) Regular ST Classes
11-Nov-13 (Mon) Last day to Withdraw (with W)
14-Nov-13 (Thu) Holiday: Ashura
21-Nov-13 (Thu) Regular MW Classes
30-Nov-13 (Sat) UG Admission Test for Spring 2014
16-Dec-13 (Mon) Holiday: Victory Day
17-Dec-13 (Tue) Last day of ST Classes
19-Dec-13 (Thu) Last day of MW Classes
20-Dec-13 (Fri) No Classes - Study Day
21-Dec-13 (Sat) No Classes - Study Day
22-Dec-13 (Sun) Final Exam begins
25-Dec-13 (Wed) Holiday: Christmas Day
28-Dec-13 (Sat) Final Exam ends
30-Dec-13 (Mon) Last day of Grade Submission
31-Dec-13 (Tue) University Recess starts
6-Jan-14 (Mon) University Recess ends
You may leave a comment, ask me a question, or
share any academic or non-academic issues using the 'comments' link found toward
the end of each post. If it is unique/personal in nature, please provide your
email address so that I may give you a feedback to your email. Otherwise, you
may leave an anonymous comment.
Hope you would have a wonderful time. Get
hold of the text books as soon as possible and start reading! Best of luck for
the semester. Thanks.