Monday, May 26, 2014

Welcome to Summer 2014!

I would like to welcome all of you to this new semester, Summer 2014. Today is the first class day. Please feel free to browse through this blog. Please visit this blog from time to time for important course updates and notification of general academic/extra-curricular events.

As you already have noticed, there are three folder links above to access resources of respective courses. You may get hold of course outlines, assignments, power-point slides, and other resources using the course folder links shown under the heading "Summer 2014 Course Folder Links" above. You may also visit the old blog posts to get ideas about the types of posts, resources shared, announcements, grading statistics etc.

Please take note of the following important deadlines/events.

26-May     (Mon)     Classes begin [Summer 2014]
29-May     (Thur)     Regular ST Classes
1-Jun         (Sun)      Last day of Withdraw with 50% refund
2-Jun         (Mon)     Last day of Registration without Late Fee (UG programs)
5-Jun         (Thur)     Last day of Registration without Late Fee (Graduate programs)
9-Jun**     (Mon)     Last day of Registration with Late Fee Tk.2,000/- for UG Programs
12-Jun**  (Thur)     Last day of Registration with Late Fee Tk.2,000/- for Graduate Programs
14-Jun       (Sat)        Holiday: Shab E Barat
19-Jun       (Thur)     Regular ST Classes
26-Jun       (Thur)     Regular ST Classes
10-Jul        (Thur)     Regular MW Classes
19-Jul        (Sat)        UG ADMISSION TEST FOR FALL 2014 (TENTATIVE)
20-Jul        (Sun)      Last day to Withdraw with W
25-Jul        (Fri)        Holiday: Jumatul Wida
26-Jul        (Sat)        Holiday: Shab E Qadr
27-Jul        (Sun)      NO CLASSES
28-30 Jul   (M-W)    Holiday: Eid Ul Fitr
6-Aug        (Wed)    Teaching Evaluation Starts
7-Aug        (Thur)     Regular MW Classes
12-Aug      (Tues)     Last day of ST Classes
13-Aug      (Wed)    Last day of MW Classes - Teaching Evaluation Ends
14-Aug      (Thur)     NO CLASSES- Study day
15-Aug      (Fri)        Holiday: National Mourning Day
16-Aug      (Sat)        Final Exam starts
17-Aug      (Sun)      Holiday: Janmastami
25-Aug      (Mon)     Final Exam ends
27-Aug      (Wed)    Last day of Grade Submission
**After the Last day of Registration with Late Fee, i.e., after June 9 (for UG Programs) & June 12 (for Graduate programs), an additional fee will be charged @Tk.250/- per day.

You may leave a comment, ask me a question, or share any academic or non-academic issues using the 'comments' link found toward the end of each post. If it is unique/personal in nature, please provide your email address so that I may give you a feedback to your email. Otherwise, you may leave an anonymous comment.

Hope you would have a wonderful time. Get hold of the text books as soon as possible and start reading! Best of luck for the semester. Thanks.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Grades Posted!

Grades have been submitted into the system. Following is a summary of grades assessed for the semester (Spring 2014).

If you are interested to know your grade you may email me, you may log into the system yourself, or you may wait until your advising session starts. Unfortunately once again nobody was eligible to be placed in the Hall of Fame section of my blog this semester.


Friday, May 9, 2014

Project Marks Uploaded!

Finally I am done with marking all the project reports of FIN254 and FIN440. I have uploaded the project marks for both the groups and the group members along with group member evaluation marks in the respective course folders. I was given two days of probation advising duty on 6th and 7th of May, that's why I am a bit late to prepare the grades. Hopefully I will be able to submit the grades tomorrow.


Wednesday, May 7, 2014


Marksheets have been made available in the respective course folders. Please check your marks and email me immediately if you find any mistake in recording your marks. Please inform all your friends and classmates about it.

I could not finish checking the term project reports for my finance courses (FIN254 and FIN440). I will upload the updated marksheets once I finish checking them. If you are interested to check your scripts or have any inquiry, you may visit my office tomorrow between 8 am and 10 am. Grades would be assessed tomorrow in the afternoon based on these marks after necessary curving.
