Friday, April 9, 2010

FIN254 Project Update!

Please note that two template files (one excel template file and one word report template file), a sample stock file, and a detailed project instructions file have been made available to help you complete the project on time. If you find any problem anywhere please report to me immediately. I tried my best to be as simple but flawless and detailed as possible.

If you are done meeting all the requirements, that is, five excel files for the assigned stocks and the word report file, then you are ready to send me your work. Before sending me the files, review the files again carefully for last minute editing, if necessary. It would not be possible for me to accept a second time submission. The submission deadline is 15th of April, 2010 (Thursday). You may definitely send me the files earlier if you are done to reduce pressure of the upcoming final exams.

Send me the five excel files (one excel file per stock) and the word report file to both of my email addresses (To:, as six attachments by the due date. Make sure to include your email address too, so that you have a copy of the sent email. You should use the following format to send your work to me.


FP101: nsu id; your name; section



your own email address

Before sending me the email please recheck your data and files minutely. I won’t be able to accommodate your request of accepting a modified version next time. Please wait at least one day for email acknowledgment from me as a confirmation of my receipt of your email. If you don’t receive my acknowledgment by one day then resend the email to me and notify my TA, Anondo at 01714075119. Please keep checking your email frequently around that period because I may send you an email as an alert if I find significant problems in your files/work. Please note that for each day of delay in your submission you would lose 25% of your project credit.

Thank you and wish you best of luck for the project. 


Anonymous said...

Dear Sir,
My assinged stock is citybank. However, there is no list for citybank on the pricequotation file, but it is present in the dividend archive file. I have finished with my other four stocks and am now stuck with this one. Please advise.

Anonymous said...

Dear Sir,
The closing price of modernind jumped nearly 5times in 2009. being a z category, no div was offered. Can you pls tell me if its face value increased?