Sunday, December 11, 2011

Khan Academy - Free Education Videos!

The Khan Academy is a not-for-profit educational organization, created in 2006 by Bangladeshi American educator Salman Khan, a graduate of MIT. With the stated mission of "providing a high quality education to anyone, anywhere", the website supplies a free online collection of more than 2,700 micro lectures via video tutorials stored on YouTube teaching Mathematics, History, Healthcare & Medicine, Finance, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Astronomy, Economics, Cosmology and Computer Science.

The major components of Khan Academy include:
  • a video library with over 2,700 videos in various topic areas and over 89 million lessons delivered.
  • automated exercises with continuous assessment; there are more than 200 exercises, mainly in math, including four challenges and 184 individual modules.
  • peer-to-peer tutoring based on objective data collected by the system, a process that will be projected in the future.
Not-for-profit partner organizations are making the content available outside of YouTube. The Lewis Center for Educational Research, which is affiliated with NASA, is bringing the content into community colleges and charter schools around the United States. World Possible is creating offline snapshots of the content to distribute in rural, developing regions with limited or no access to the Internet.

Khan has stated a vision of turning the academy into a charter school:
This could be the DNA for a physical school where students spend 20 percent of their day watching videos and doing self-paced exercises and the rest of the day building robots or painting pictures or composing music or whatever.

You may watch a YouTube video where Salman Khan talks about his academy and vision. You may also choose to download that video using following two options:
Average Quality Video (3gp format - 37 MB)

I thank you in advance for watching and sharing with your friends!

1 comment:

Chayan said...

Sir, people may find the Bengali translation of the science lessons visiting Thank you.