The purpose of the project is to make you
familiarize with standard finance journal articles and side by side to form
ideas about foreign faculty members/researchers and universities making real
contribution to the knowledge base related to Finance.
You will do this task in
two phases. In the first phase you will download the assigned journal articles
and save/organize/rename them as shown in class, in the project instruction document (the guideline), or in the sample provided to you. You will need to submit these files to me.
for the second phase, you will be filling out a prescribed excel data file and
prepare a short report composed by MS Word. You will be required to submit printed
copy of the report in word and the excel file (selected columns) as an attachment and submit the
softcopy of both the files as well through email. Submission will be done in three steps using the following deadlines.
1st Submission
12th November, 2013
2nd Submission
1st December, 2013
Final Submission
15th December, 2013
In your first submission, you submit about 50% of the downloaded journal articles. Please note that these files should be renamed and
organized as indicated in this guideline and in the sample folder. In the
second submission, you submit all (100%) of the journal articles assigned to
you. You do that by submitting your pendrive in an envelop writing your id,
name, section either in the class or in my office room. Please make sure to
collect your pendrive from me both times.
In the final submission you submit
printed copy of your project report along with the excel data file as an
attachment. You must also email me these two files using following format.
[133] your nsu id; your name; section
Your own email address
Make sure to include your own email address
too as CC, so that you have a copy of the sent email. Before sending me the
email please recheck your data and files minutely. I won’t be able to
accommodate your request of accepting a modified version next time. Please wait
at least one day for email acknowledgment from me as a confirmation of my receipt
of your email. If you don’t receive my acknowledgment by one day then resend
the email to me. Please keep checking your email frequently around that period
because I may send you an email as an alert if I find significant problems in
your files/work.
note that for early submission you will get some bonus points (0.50 for each
day) up to maximum of 5 points. However, for late submission you will lose points (0.25 for each day) as
well. Thank you and wish you best of luck for the project.
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